Your First Info Product Beyond Your Book – Physical or Digital?
As the co-founder of the duplication and fulfillment company Speaker Fulfillment Services most people would probably expect me to say that a physical product is the way to go when you’re ready to do a product beyond your book. After all, we make our living by duplicating our client’s CDs and DVDs and printing their manuals for them.
But, if you’re an author transitioning into the information marketing industry I honestly believe that a digital product is the way to go when you’re creating your first information product beyond your book. Why? Because it’s all about speed to market. You need to build some positive momentum as early in your information marketing career as you can and the longer it takes you to get a product to market the harder it is to build up that momentum.
That first product doesn’t have to be anything overly complicated. It can be a quick audio you recorded with a USB microphone and a program like Audacity or Sound Forge or a simple PDF special report pulled from your book on whatever your topic is. It’s those additional steps you can avoid that are required to produce a physical product that will enable you to get to market quicker.
Remember, your product doesn’t have to be perfect. Should it be good? Absolutely! But if you’re striving for perfection then you’ll delay the introduction of your new digital product further, and that won’t help you build the positive momentum that you’re seeking. I’ve seen perfectionism kill some great information products because all positive momentum was lost while those i’s were dotted and t’s crossed for the umpteenth time.
Of course you’ll still need a system like our own Red Oak Cart to deliver your digital products for you, but going the digital route initially can help you get started to building your information marketing business even more quickly.