It is so easy each day to get bogged down in the little details of an information marketing business that you forget to invest any time in actually building your business. Michael Gerber of “The E Myth” fame describes it as working in your business rather than on your business.
The solution, according to Internet marketing legend Armand Morin, is what he calls “Five-Minute Marketing.” He makes sure he spends at least five minutes every day on some business-building marketing activity. Maybe it is just sending an email promotion to his list. Or maybe it is a couple phone calls to potential joint venture partners in order to get a commitment to participate in an upcoming new product launch. Or maybe it is lining up an article writer to generate 50 new articles on information marketing.
It does not matter what it is as long as you are consistently applying some effort every day to activities that will help you to grow your business. If you have employees, then the continual development of processes and procedures will be critical to your long term success.
These are certainly business building activities. But these may or may not be marketing activities, so among the full complement of business building activities make sure you include something within the marketing realm. Your future success depends upon it.
Here is a quick list of marketing opportunities you might do:
- Post something to your blog
- Do an affiliate training call
- Send an email promotion to your list
- Write a new article and submit it to the article directories
- Call your top joint venture partners and get a commitment to help you promote an upcoming new product launch
- Send thank you cards to your biggest customers
- Be a guest speaker on a teleseminar or webinar
- Speak at a live event
- Submit a press release
- Schedule advertising in a suitable ezine
- Write a new sales brochure to include with all outgoing book fulfillments
This list is certainly not meant to be all-inclusive, just something to stimulate your thinking. And “Five-Minute Marketing” does not necessarily mean you have to do it all yourself. For example, if you are building a company, then have one of your team members handle the marketing responsibilities. Just be sure that someone in your organization is investing some time in marketing every day. Your long-term success ultimately depends on it.